⭐ : indexed by Web of Science (ISI)
⭕ : CORE A/A*
✅ : open access
Opportunities and Challenges of Emerging Human-AI Interactions to Support Healthcare in the Global South. CSCW Companion 2024: 724-727
Cajamarca, C., Proust, V., Herskovic, V., Cádiz, R.F., Verdezoto, N., Fernández, F.J. Technologies for Managing the Health of Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions: A Systematic Literature Review. Healthcare 2023, 11(21), 2897. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare11212897 ⭐✅ 2023
Manufacturing: How is Digital Transformation Shaping Collaboration Between Designers and Craftspeople?. https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440231194191 ⭐ ✅ online first sept. 2023
Rodríguez, I., Cajamarca, C., Herskovic, V. When does self-report of pain occur?: A study of older adults. PeerJ 10:e13716 DOI: https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.13716 ⭐ ✅ 2022
Cajamarca, G., Herskovic, V. Understanding experiences and expectations from active, independent older women in Chile towards technologies to manage their health. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS) vol. 166, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2022.102867. ⭐ 2022
Vergara, K., Guerrero, P., Herskovic, V. Understanding gender bias: Differences in tech stereotypes according to the socio-economic background of girls. (Poster). Accepted at ACM International Computing Education Research Conference (ICER) 2022
Cajamarca, G., Herskovic, V., Aldunate, A., Lucero, A. A Co-Design Approach to Explore Health Data Representation for Older Adults in Chile and Ecuador. Accepted in Designing Interactive Systems- DIS 2022 ⭕✅ 2022
Gerea, C., Herskovic, V. Transitioning from Multichannel to Omnichannel Customer Experience in Service-Based Companies: Challenges and Coping Strategies. J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2022, 17(2), 394-413. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/jtaer17020021 ⭐✅ 2022
Fernández-Vera, F., Urrutia, D.C., Rossel, P.O, Herskovic, V., Fuentes, C. Social+Me: A Persuasive application to increase communication between students and their support networks in Southern Chile. PeerJ Computer Science 8:e848. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.848 ⭐✅ 2022
Muñoz-Gama, J., Salas, J., Herskovic, V. CAI Asynchronous Methodology for Emergency Remote Teaching: An Experience in Introduction to Programming. Proceedings of: 2021 40th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/SCCC54552.2021.9650402 2021
Bellino, A., Herskovic, V., Hund, M. Munoz-Gama, J. A real-world approach to motivate students on the first class of a computer science course. ACM Transactions on Computing Education 21(3). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3445982 ⭐ 2021
Castro, L.A., Gaytán-Lugo, L.S., Santana-Mancilla, P.C., Herskovic, V., Valderrama Bahamondez, E.C. Human computer-interaction in Latin America. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 25, 255-257 (Guest Editorial). 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-021-01550-3 2021
Gerea, C., González-López, F., Herskovic, V. Omnichannel customer experience and management: An integrative review and research agenda. Sustainability 13(5) ⭐✅ 2021
Gonzalez-Lopez, F., Pufahl, L., Munoz-Gama, J., Herskovic, V., Sepúlveda, M. Case model landscapes: toward an improved representation of knowledge-intensive processes using the fCM-language. Software and Systems Modeling (2021). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10270-021-00885-y ⭐ 2021
Saint-Pierre C, Prieto F, Herskovic V, Sepulveda M. Team collaboration networks and multidisciplinarity in diabetes care: Implications for patient outcomes. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 24(1), pp. 319-329, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2019.2901427. ⭐ 2020
Alvarez, C., Saint-Pierre, C., Herskovic, V., Sepúlveda, M., Prieto, F., Analysis of the relationship between treatment networks and the evolution of patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 108, 2020. ⭐ 2020
Campos-Romero, S., Herskovic, V., Fuentes, C., Abarca, E. Perceptions on Connecting Respite Care Volunteers and Caregivers. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17(8), 2911; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17082911 ⭐✅ 2020
Galvez V., de la Fuente R., Meneses C., Leiva L., Fagalde G., Herskovic V., Fuentes R., Munoz-Gama J., Sepúlveda M. Process-Oriented Instrument and Taxonomy for Teaching Surgical Procedures in Medical Training. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(11) 2020. ⭐✅ 2020
Cajamarca, G., Herskovic, V., Rossel, P.O. Enabling Older Adults’ Health Self-Management through Self-Report and Visualization—A Systematic Literature Review. Sensors 20(15) 2020. ⭐✅ 2020
Rossel, P.O., Paredes, L., Bascur, A., Martínez-Carrasco, C., Herskovic, V. SAS4P: Providing automatic smoking detection for a persuasive smoking cessation application. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 15(11), 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1550147719888167⭐✅ 2019
Rodríguez, I., Rossel, P.O., Fernández, M., Fuentes, C., León, A., Herskovic, V. InMyDay: A study on Input Styles for a Digital Diary for older users. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-019-01213-5 ⭐ 2019
Bellino, A., Herskovic, V. CameraKeyboard: a Novel Interaction Technique for Text Entry through Smartphone Cameras. IEEE Access 7, pp. 167982-167996, 2019⭐✅ 2019
Rodríguez, I., Karyda, M., Lucero, A., Herskovic, V. Aestimo: A Tangible Kit to Evaluate Older Adults’ User Experience. INTERACT 2019 ⭕ 2019
Herskovic, V., Ochoa, S.F, Pino, J.A. Identifying Groupware Requirements in People-Driven Mobile Collaborative Processes. Journal of Universal Computer Science 25(8), 2019. URL: http://www.jucs.org/jucs_25_8/identifying_groupware_requirements_in ✅⭐ 2019
Lira, R., Salas-Morales, J., Leiva, L., De la Fuente, R., Fuentes, R., Delfino, A., Hurtado Nazal, C., Sepúlveda, M., Arias, M., Herskovic, V., Munoz-Gama, J. Process-oriented Feedback through Process Mining for Surgical Procedures in Medical Training: the ultrasound-guided Central Venous Catheter placement case. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(11), 1877, 2019. ✅⭐ 2019
Chen, Y., Verdezoto, N., Gui, X., Ma, X., Bossen, C., Bagalkot, N., Herskovic, V., Ploderer, B. npacking the Infrastructuring Work of Patients and Caregivers around the World. In Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Paper W03, 8 pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3290607.329902 2019
Fuentes, C., Porcheron, M., Fischer, J.E., Costanza, E., Verdezoto, N., Herskovic, V., Zuckerman, O., Takayama, L. New Directions for the IoT: Automate, Share, Build, and Care. In Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Paper W35, 8 pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3290607.3299000 2019
Rodríguez, I., Abarca, E., Herskovic, V., Campos, M. Living with chronic pain: a qualitative study of the daily life of older people with chronic pain in Chile. Pain Research and Management, Volume 2019, Article ID 8148652, 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/8148652 ✅⭐ 2019
Saint-Pierre, C., Herskovic, V., Sepúlveda, M. Relationship between continuity of care in the multidisciplinary treatment of patients with diabetes and their clinical results. Applied Sciences 9(2), 268. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/app9020268 ✅⭐ 2019
Cajamarca, G., Rodríguez, I., Herskovic, V., Campos, M., Riofrío, J.C. StraightenUp+: Monitoring of posture during daily activities for older persons using wearable sensors. Sensors 18(10), 3409, 2018. DOI: ✅⭐ 2018
Alvarez, C., Saint-Pierre, C., Herskovic, V., Sepúlveda, M. Analysis of the Relationship between the Referral and Evolution of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15(7), 1534, 2018. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15071534 ✅⭐ 2018
Abarca, E., Campos, S., Herskovic, V., Fuentes, C. Perceptions on technology for volunteer respite care for bedridden elders in Chile. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health and Well-being 13(1), 2018. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1080%2F17482631.2017.1422663 ✅⭐ 2018
Saint-Pierre, C., Herskovic, V., Sepúlveda, M. Multidisciplinary Collaboration in Primary Care: a Systematic Review. Family Practice 35(2), pages 132-141, 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/fampra/cmx085 ⭐ 2018
Conca, T., Saint-Pierre, C., Herskovic, V., Sepúlveda, M., Capurro, D., Prieto, F., Fernández-Llatas, C. Analysis of Multidisciplinary Collaboration in the Treatment of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Primary Care using Process Mining. Journal of Medical Internet Research 20(4), 2018. DOI: http://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.8884 ✅⭐ 2018
Alvarez, C., Rojas, E., Arias, M., Munoz-Gama, J., Sepúlveda, M., Herskovic, V., Capurro, D. Discovering role interaction models in the Emergency Room using Process Mining. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 78, pages 60-77, 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbi.2017.12.015 ⭐ 2018
Rodríguez, I., Karyda, M., Lucero, A., Herskovic, V. Exploring Tangible Ways to Evaluate User Experience for Elders. CHI EA’18 Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Paper No. LBW589. 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3170427.3188450 2018
Bascur, A., Rossel, P.O., Herskovic, V., Martínez-Carrasco, C. Evitapp: Persuasive Application for Physical Activity and Smoking Cessation. Proceedings 2018, 2(19), 1208; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/proceedings2191208 ✅ 2018
Astudillo, I., Fuentes, C., Herskovic, V. Analízate: Towards a Platform to Analyze Activities and Emotional States of Informal Caregivers. Proceedings 2018, 2(19), 1205; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/proceedings2191205 ✅ 2018
Fuentes, C., Herskovic, V., Rodríguez, I., Gerea, C., Marques, M., Rossel, P.O. A systematic literature review about technologies for self-reporting emotional information. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 8(4): 593-606. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-016-0430-z ⭐ 2017
Rodríguez, I., Herskovic, V., Gerea, C., Fuentes, C., Rossel, P.O., Marques, M., Campos, M. Understanding monitoring technologies for adults with pain: Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 19(10). DOI: http://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.7279 ✅⭐ 2017
Rodríguez, I., Cajamarca, G., Herskovic, V., Fuentes, C., Campos, M. Helping elderly users report pain levels: a study of user experience with mobile and wearable interfaces. Mobile Information Systems Volume 2017, Article ID 9302328. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/9302328 ✅⭐ 2017
Rodríguez, I., Fuentes, C., Herskovic, V., Pino, J.A. Are notifications a challenge for older people?: a study comparing two types of notifications. HICSS 2017. URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10125/41602 ✅⭕ 2017
Cajamarca, G., Rodríguez, I., Herskovic, V., Campos, M. StraightenUp: implementation and evaluation of a spine posture wearable. UCAmI 2017: 655-665, 2017.2017
Fernández, M., Rodríguez, I., Rossel, P.O., Fuentes, C., Herskovic, V. InMyDay: a digital diary to promote self-care among elders. UCAmI 2017: 486-497, 2017. 2017
Rojas, E., Fernández-Llatas, C., Traver, V., Muñoz-Gama, J., Sepúlveda, M., Herskovic, V., Capurro, D. PALIA-ER: Bringing Question Driven Process Mining Closer to the Emergency Room. BPM (Demos), 2017. 2017
Saint-Pierre, C., Herskovic, V., Sepúlveda, M. Analysis of Multidisciplinary Collaboration in Primary Healthcare: the Chilean Case. CRIWG 2017: 244-251, 2017. 2017
Rossel, P., Herskovic, V., Ormeño, E., Creating a family of collaborative applicationsfor emergency management in the firefighting sub-domain. Information Systems Frontiers 18(1), pp.69-84 ⭐ 2016
Herskovic, V., Rossel, P.O., González, L. Understanding Requirements for Mobile Collaborative Applications in Domains of Use. IEEE Latin America Transactions 14(2) ⭐ 2016
Rodríguez, I., Fuentes, C., Herskovic, V., Campos, M. Monitoring chronic pain: comparing wearable and mobile interfaces. UCAmI (1) 2016: 234-245. 2016
Fuentes, C., Rodriguez, I., Herskovic, V. Making Communication Frequency Tangible: How green is my tree?. Tangible and Embedded Interaction (Works in Progress), 1120-1125, 2016. 2016
Rodríguez, I., Fuentes, C., Campos, M., Herskovic, V., B-ePain: a wearable interface to self-report pain and emotions. UbiComp Adjunct 2016: 1120-1125, 2016. 2016
Rodríguez, I., Oteo, M., Gleisner, S., Herskovic, V. SINCOM: communicating grandparents and grandchildren living at a distance. Proc. of CSCWD 2015, pp. 153-158, 2015. 2015
Fuentes, C., Gerea, C., Herskovic, V., Marques, M., Rodriguez, I., Rossel, P. O. : User Interfaces for Self-reporting Emotions: a Systematic Literature Review. Proc. of UCAmI 2015, pp. 321-333, 2015. 2015
Fuentes, C., Rodríguez, I., Herskovic, V. EmoBall: a study on a tangible interface to self-report emotional information considering digital competences. Proc. of AmIHEALTH 2015. ♦ Gerea, C., Herskovic, V. Measuring User Experience in Latin America: an Exploratory Survey. Proceedings of CLIHC 19:1-19:4, 2015.
Fuentes, C., Hernandez, C., Escobedo, L., Herskovic, V., Tentori, M. Promoting self-reflection of social isolation through persuasive mobile technologies: The case of mother caregivers of children with cancer. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 30(10) ⭐ 2014
Siu, T., Herskovic, V. Mobile augmented reality and context-awareness for firefighters. IEEE Latin America Transactions 12(1), pages 42-47 ⭐ 2014
Antunes, P., Herskovic, V., Ochoa, S.F., Pino, J.A. Reviewing the Quality of Awareness Support in Collaborative Applications. Journal of Systems and Software 89, pp. 146-169 ⭐ 2014
Monares, A., Ochoa, S.F., Herskovic, V., Santos, R.M., Pino, J.A. Modeling interactions in human-centric wireless sensor networks. CSCWD 2014: 661-666 2014
Herskovic, V., Fuentes, C., Ibarra, R., Bustos, J. Pick & Drag & Drop: Augmented Reality for Multiple File Sharing. Journal of Universal Computer Science 19(8), 1140-1157 ⭐ 2013
Rossel, P., Herskovic, V. Building a Domain Model for Mobile Collaborative Systems: Towards a Software Product Line. Proc. of CRIWG 2013, pages 290-305, 2013. 2013
Rossel, P., Herskovic, V. Building a Domain Model for Mobile Collaborative Systems: Towards a Software Product Line. Proc. of CRIWG 2013, pages 290-305, 2013. 2013
Herskovic, V., Ochoa, S.F., Pino, J.A., Ochoa, S.F., Antunes, P., Ormeño, E. Identifying the Awareness Mechanisms for Mobile Collaborative Applications. Proc. of CRIWG 2013, pages 241-256, 2013. 2013
Antunes, P., Herskovic, V., Ochoa, S.F., Pino, J.A. Modeling Highly Collaborative Processes. Proceedings of CSCWD 2013, pages 184-189, 2013. Best paper award. 2013
Fuentes, C., Herskovic, V., Heysen, J., Tentori, M. Towards a technology for caregivers: Sharing emotions with far-away family. Proc. of UCAmI 2013, pages 143-150, 2013. 2013
Saint-Pierre, C., Piñones, E., Rojas, M., Herskovic, V., Prototype design and evaluation of a computer supported system for multidiscipline meetings in a primary healthcare center. Proceedings of ChileCHI 2013, pages 5-9, 2013. 2013
Siu, T., Herskovic, V. SidebARs: improving awareness of off-screen elements in mobile augmented reality. ChileCHI 2013: 36-41, 2013. 2013
Antunes, P., Herskovic, V., Ochoa, S.F., Pino, J.A. Structuring dimensions for collaborative systems evaluation. ACM Computing Surveys 44(2):8 ⭐ 2012
Herskovic, V., Neyem, A., Ochoa, S.F., Pino, J.A., Antunes, P. Understanding presence awareness information needs among engineering students. Proc. of CSCWD 2012, pp. 258-264, 2012. 2012
Monares, A., Ochoa, S.F., Pino, J.A., Herskovic, V. Improving the initial response process in urban emergencies. Proc. of CSCWD 2012, pp. 379-386, 2012. 2012
Baeza-Yates, R., Barrera, C., Herskovic, V. A Visual Tool for querying and visualizing XML data, Proc. of LA-WEB 2012, pp. 24-27 2012
Ochoa, S.F., Pino, J.A., Baloian, N., Antunes, P., Herskovic, V. Some observations from the analysis of an online discussion board. Proc. of SMC 2012, pp. 1280-1285. 2012
Ferreira, A., Herskovic, V., Antunes, P. Improving Group Attention: An experiment in synchronous brainstorming. Group Decision and Negotiation 20 (5), pages 643-666 ⭐ 2011
Herskovic, V., Ochoa, S.F., Pino, J.A., Neyem, A. The Iceberg Effect: Behind the User Interface of Mobile Collaborative Systems. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 17 (2), pages 183-201 ⭐ 2011
Monares, A., Ochoa, S.F., Pino, J.A., Herskovic, V., Rodriguez-Covili, J., Neyem, A. Mobile Computing in Urban Emergency Situations: Improving the Support to Firefighters in the Field. International Journal of Expert Systems with Applications, 38 (2), pages 1255-1267 ⭐ 2011
Rodriguez-Covili, J., Ochoa, S.F., Pino, J.A., Herskovic, V., Favela, J., Mejía, D., Morán, A.L. Towards a reference architecture for the design of mobile shared workspaces. Future Generation Computer Systems Journal 27(1), pages 109-118 ⭐ 2011
Monares, A., Herskovic, V., Suárez, D., Ibarra, M., Ochoa, S.F., Pino, J.A. Increasing Shared information availability during urban emergency response. Proc. of CSCWD’11, pages 677-684, 2011. 2011
Bartels, R., Herskovic, V., Ochoa, S.F., Pino, J.A., Borges, M.R. A Simple and Portable Command Post to Coordinate Search and Rescue Activities in disaster relief efforts. Proceedings of CRIWG’10 16th International Workshop on Groupware, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6257, pages 337-344, 2010. 2010
Antunes, P., Sapateiro, C., Pino, J.A., Herskovic, V., Ochoa, S.F. Awareness Checklist: Reviewing the Quality of Awareness Support in Mobile Collaborative Applications. Proceedings of CRIWG’10 16th International Workshop on Groupware, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6257, pages 202-217, 2010. 2010
Ochoa, S.F., Herskovic, V., Pineda, E., Pino, J.A. A Transformational Model for Organizational Memory Systems Management with Privacy Concerns. Information Sciences 179 (15): 2643-2655 ⭐ 2009
Herskovic, V., Mejía, D.A., Favela, J., Morán, A.L., Ochoa, S.F., Pino, J.A. Increasing Opportunities for Interaction in Time-Critical Mobile Collaborative Settings. Proc. of CRIWG’09, 41-48, 2009. 2009
Herskovic, V., Ochoa, S.F., Pino, J.A. Modeling Groupware for Mobile Collaborative Work. Proceedings of CSCWD’09, 384-389, 2009. 2009
Monares, A., Ochoa, S.F., Pino, J.A., Herskovic, V., Neyem, A. MobileMap: A collaborative application to support emergency situations in urban areas. Proc. of CSCWD’09, Santiago, Chile, 432-437, 2009. 2009
Ferreira, A., Herskovic, V., Antunes, P. Attention-based Management of Information Flows in Synchronous Electronic Brainstorming. Proceedings of CRIWG’08, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 5411, Springer, 1-16, 2008 2008
Herskovic, V., Ochoa, S.F., Pino, J.A., Neyem, A. General Requirements to Design Mobile Shared Workspaces. Proceedings of CSCWD’08, Xi’an, China, IEEE Computer Society Press, 582-587, 2008. 2008
Ochoa, S.F., Herskovic, V., Pino, J.A. A strategy to automatically feed OMS and implement information privacy. CSCWD’07, Melbourne, Australia, April 26-28, 2007. 2007
Herskovic, V., Ochoa, S.F., Pino, J.A. A Model to Incorporate Privacy in Organizational Memory Systems. The 10th International Conference on CSCW in Design (CSCWD), Nanjing, China, 2006. 2006